The most common cause of serious playground injury is a fall from a height onto the playground surface. Therefore, appropriately impact-attenuated playground surfaces are a key safety strategy and injury prevention intervention. AS4422:2016 sets out the methods for testing the impact-attenuation performance of playground surfaces. Such testing is required in the development of prototype surfacing products, at the commissioning of newly installed surfaces, and during the periodic field-testing of the impact attenuating surface to confirm continuing minimum acceptable performance.
A child’s perception of successful negotiation of risky situations is important for confidence building and competent risk assessment which leads to children learning how to manage their own safety. The minimum threshold impact attenuation performance values of playground surfaces do not detract from this perception. Playground surfacing should prevent permanent injury and death while contributing positively to a child’s ability to learn autonomous risk assessment skills.
Pro One’s compliance team can evaluate any existing surface for compliance to the new Australian standards using Triax 2015 test apparatus known as the benchmark for quality in the testing of surfaces in playgrounds, sports fields, and many other impact attenuating surfaces.
Pro One Softfall has been creating safe, dynamic, creative spaces since 1996. We have a tight-knit team of experts who can help you with your recreational or sports project.